万博mantex app //www.ycboda.net/topics/underground-td 地下电力电缆的位置地下复制开销传输网络。虽然被认为是安全的开销相比样车,地下电力可以更昂贵的安装和易于腐蚀水来源。 纯讨论电力行业 //www.ycboda.net/event/plain-talk-about-electric-power-industry-0 星期五,2023年3月10 11:21:24 -0700 拉万博mantex app托亚Gourdine能源中心 597627年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/event/plain-talk-about-electric-power-industry-0的评论 又一年的成本和损失呢? //www.ycboda.net/c/gr/another-year-cost-and-loss This was originally shared in the Utility Management group, but it's relevant to the Grid Professionals Community as well.  星期一,2023年2月20日13:45:30 -0700 (万博mantex app能源中心)本杰明dierk 594346年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/gr/another-year-cost-and-loss的评论 10个小贴士完成地下工具维修 //www.ycboda.net/c/pip/10-quick-tips-completing-underground-utility-maintenance 地下管线维护是这项工作最具挑战性的方面之一。It’s also critical, so it’s important to approach it with a thorough understanding of efficiency, regulatory compliance and safety steps. Here are 10 quick tips for completing underground maintenance on utility lines. 1. Notify Public Utilities Before Working The first step in any underground.. 星期五,2023年2月17日21:41:54 -0700 (万博mantex app能源中心)艾米丽牛顿 594256年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/pip/10-quick-tips-completing-underground-utility-maintenance的评论 液化天然气——从复杂到简单常见的电子平台 //www.ycboda.net/c/og/hardships-and-disputes-terminaling-services-0 | A substantial share of information about the European regasification capacity remains a grey area.  | There are currently 37 operating terminals, and more are to be built by the end of 2023 (currently in the EPC stage, or the planning stage FEED, FID). | Working on a design of a digital solution - “multi-Terminal Calculator" will be.. 星期四,2023年2月16日16:42:56 -0700 (万博mantex app能源中心)维克多Tenev 593781年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/og/hardships-and-disputes-terminaling-services-0的评论 要求文章-投资电网可靠性和弹性(能源中心系列特刊)万博mantex app //www.ycboda.net/o/energy - central/call文章-投资-电网可靠性-弹性- 2023 -能源-中央特别 In February, many of us met up at DISTRIBUTECH to learn and discuss the future of our industry, specifically as it pertains to the "Grid". To continue many of the conversations started at the show, or better yet, to carry them even further, Energy Central has dedicated our March/April Special Issue to topics related to "Investing in the Grid." We want to hear from.. -0700年结婚,2023年2月15日18:30:15 A万博mantex appudra Drazga能源中心 593362年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/o/energy - central/call文章-投资-电网可靠性-弹性- 2023 -能源-中央特殊#评论 又一年的成本和损失呢? //www.ycboda.net/c/pip/another-year-costs-and-loss 高管和经理一起和disseminating  2023年目标,我们有理由保持乐观。许多创新技术将使工地安全以及更有效率。一些可能期待coalition-building  horizon 和伙伴关系;这将改善他们的工作和拓展对资源的访问。但对于公用事业行业,有. . 星期二,2023年2月14日23:30:11 -0700 (万博mantex app能源中心)本杰明dierk 588515年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/pip/another-year-costs-and-loss的评论 重要里程碑实现60亿美元美国/加拿大直流输电工程 //www.ycboda.net/c/cp/major里程碑- - 60亿usacanada实现直流-功率-传输-项目 2022年11月1日,尚普兰哈德森权力表达(CHPE)宣布,它已经关闭了在开始建设所需的资金大约339英里fully-buried高压直流(HVDC)输电线路,将提供1250兆瓦的可再生从魁北克水电到纽约。完全地下、水下工程预计耗资约60亿美元。 星期一,2022年11月07 11:26:15 -0700 (万博mantex app能源中心)肯特克努森 577143年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/cp/major里程碑达到- 60亿usacanada -直流电力传动-项目#评论 地下的韧性 //www.ycboda.net/c/tr/undergrounding-resilience 弹性是心灵的无论你去哪里。现在,这个开创性的报告告诉我们为什么。查看完整报告下面的动力输送情报计划的网站链接。  Will we deliver our ambitious renewable, net zero and carbon goals with our grandfather’s distribution system or a “re-imagined” grid of the future? Questions that the PUF principal.. 星期四,2022年10月13日11:30:30 -0600 (万博mantex app能源中心)迈克Beehler 572978年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/tr/undergrounding-resilience的评论 地下的弹性作用 //www.ycboda.net/c/tr/role-undergrounding-resilience 公用事业双周刊刚刚发布了一份研究报告,研究地下的使用来提高电力系统弹性或承受高冲击的能力,低概率事件与很少或没有客户停机只PUF采访行业领导者对他们使用的地下,坦诚回答关于成本、性能和客户验收又是;如果. . 星期一,2022年10月3日11:00:45 -0600 (万博mantex app能源中心)迈克Beehler 571090年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/tr/role-undergrounding-resilience的评论 特斯拉&地下电力收费 //www.ycboda.net/c/tr/tesla-charging-underground-td Tesla has a charging station https://lnkd.in/eyv7W_qS in a beautiful Live, Work, Play development in an affluent part of a big US city. It had 12 charging locations and was filled with 11 of the prettiest Tesla’s you ever wanted to see. I have never seen a charging station so full of EV’s. However, the transmission and distribution around this beautiful and.. 星期二,2022年8月30日13:15:45 -0600 (万博mantex app能源中心)迈克Beehler 565227年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/tr/tesla-charging-underground-td的评论 问答回顾——PowerSession成功线感应,开销和地下 //www.ycboda.net/o/energy - central/qa回顾powersession - 31022成功-行-感知开销和地下 A long time coming - here is the Q&A Recap from our PowerSession - Success with Line Sensing - Overhead & Underground.  As part of our PowerSession model, we try to bring together professionals in the industry through panel discussions to share, learn and connect.  But the discussion does not end there, we hope to continue the discussion in the community after the.. 星期一,2022年8月22日16:30:15 -0600 (万博mantex app能源中心)EC PowerSession主持人 563853年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/o/energy - central/qa回顾powersession - 31022成功-行-感知开销和地下#评论 CPUC地下项目描述 //www.ycboda.net/c/tr/cpuc-undergrounding-programs-description According to PG&E, SCE and SDG&E in this CPUC report, the costs for undergrounding existing overhead distribution infrastructure can range anywhere from $350 per foot to $1150 per foot, or $1.85 million to $6.072 million per mile. But, each utility is commited to bringing these costs DOWN through aggressive innovation and economies of scale. And, other major IOU’s around the.. -0600年结婚,2022年7月13日11:30:00 (万博mantex app能源中心)迈克Beehler 556656年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/tr/cpuc-undergrounding-programs-description的评论 地下或开销46 kv天堂?HECO vs邻居 //www.ycboda.net/c/tr/underground-or-overhead-46kv-paradise-heco-vs-neighbors HECO说把电线成本开销是670万美元。Underground, it will cost $25 million. https://lnkd.in/gpHDwbKV But, what is total the cost of ownership of these overhead lines compared to underground for the life of the asset? How much will vegetation management really cost 20 years from now? Some utilities are asking this legitimate question (and others) as they.. 星期二,2022年6月28日16:00:00 -0600 (万博mantex app能源中心)迈克Beehler 554381年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/tr/underground-or-overhead-46kv-paradise-heco-vs-neighbors的评论 柯林斯堡埋葬所有的电线:所以可以科罗拉多斯普林斯 //www.ycboda.net/c/tr/fort-collins-buried-all-its-power-lines-so-can-colorado-springs 柯林斯堡在1968年开始地下。今天,在科罗拉多州第四大城市地下的100%。But….”when searching the internet for cities with buried power lines, one is surprised to discover that Colorado Springs, with 80% of its lines underground, is considered a leader.” (I would have agreed and probably added Anaheim). The Edison Electric Institute.. 星期二,2022年6月14日15:00:00 -0600 (万博mantex app能源中心)迈克Beehler 551793年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/tr/fort-collins-buried-all-its-power-lines-so-can-colorado-springs的评论 美国公用事业公司的约翰•奥利弗治疗 //www.ycboda.net/c/um/american-utilities-get-john-oliver-treatment 自2014年第一次在HBO播出以来,,今晚上周与约翰·奥利弗一直是channel’最关注和most 影响力和对广大观众信息显示,因为它分解复杂的主题,直接影响许多美国人尽管最少的精力更广泛的人口给主题又是;这个过去week’ s集. . 2022年5月16日星期一15:42:08 -0600 (万博mantex app能源中心)克里斯托弗·尼利 546929年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/um/american-utilities-get-john-oliver-treatment的评论 能源视频——2022年4月3周:纽约批准2大型可再生能源/传播项目 //www.ycboda.net/c/cp/energy -视频-星期- 3 - 4月- 2022 -纽约-批准- 2 -大- renewablestransmission 1)    NY approves two clean energy contracts for 2,550 MW of renewables/transmission, totaling $13.2 bn of investment. The Clean Path New York project includes 20 in-state wind and solar projects and a 175 mile, 1,300 MW underground line to supply NYC. The Champlain Hudson Power Express project will bring some wind but mostly hydropower from Quebec to NYC .. 星期四,2022年4月28日11:22:32 -0600 (万博mantex app能源中心)彼得Kelly-Detwiler 543778年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/cp/energy -视频-星期- 3 - 4月- 2022 -纽约-批准- 2 -大- renewablestransmission #评论 加州公用事业为大规模野火支付5500万美元 //www.ycboda.net/c/tr/california实用程序-工资- 5500万大规模野火 PG&E CEO Patti Poppe said the utility welcomed the chance to be more transparent — and ultimately more accountable — for its operations. “We are committed to doing our part, and we look forward to a long partnership with these communities to make it right and make it safe,” Poppe said. Part of that “long partnership” is to spend $15-30B to.. 星期二,2022年4月19日14:00:15 -0600 (万博mantex app能源中心)迈克Beehler 542060年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/tr/california实用程序-工资- 5500万大规模野火#评论 Priortizing哦地下线将会是一个巨大的挑战,当你有一个目标10%的整个系统 //www.ycboda.net/c/tr/april - 2022 Priortizing哦地下线将会是一个巨大的挑战,当你有一个目标10%的整个系统。See page 35 of the April T&D World magazine for the sidebar entitled “PG&E’s Commitment to Undergrounding” for PG&E’s prioritization criteria to include: -Reduce fires and PSPS -Protect critical facilities.. 星期一,2022年4月18日22:00:15 -0600 (万博mantex app能源中心)迈克Beehler 542046年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/tr/april - 2022 #评论 纯讨论电力行业 //www.ycboda.net/event/plain-talk-about-electric-power-industry 课程费用包括教学材料和CEU证书。Each day's course is eligible for 0.8 CEUs / 8 PDHs.  EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION ENDS MARCH 28, 2022 - ALL REGISTRATIONS RECEIVED AFTER THIS DATE WILL BE CHARGED THE REGULAR FEE. Plain Talk registrants will be provided with a COMPLIMENTARY Exhibit Floor pass for Thursday, April 28 ($120 Value includes the.. 星期四,2022年3月24日15:57:15 -0600 拉万博mantex app托亚Gourdine能源中心 537551年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/event/plain-talk-about-electric-power-industry的评论 需求-成功线感应开销和地下(能源中心PowerSession™)万博mantex app //www.ycboda.net/o/energy-central/demand-success-line-sensing-%E2%80%93-overhead-and-underground-energy-central Access On-Demand Recording Below:  Listen in to our panel of utility leaders and Sentient Energy as we explore the latest advancements in “line sensing” technology and examine the lessons learned on the latest Overhead projects and new Underground pilots.   Line sensing technology and subsequent data analysis provide better system visibility for operators.. 星期五,2022年3月11日03:30:45 -0700 (万博mantex app能源中心)EC PowerSession主持人 535100年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/o/energy-central/demand-success-line-sensing-%E2%80%93-overhead-and-underground-energy-central的评论