万博mantex app //www.ycboda.net/topics/enterprise-resource-planning 规划方法中,来自不同部门的业务资源管理一个企业使用的软件应用程序启用流程和数据共享。一个例子使用ERP系统的跟踪原材料完成好生产。 燃油价格在巴西 //www.ycboda.net/c/og/fuel-prices-brazil-0 燃油价格在巴西建立联邦政府的翅膀之间的讨论是否要收取燃料显示形式的脆弱性的分析和决策。Supposedly, what is at stake is maintaining the tax exemption in favor of the vast majority of the population or encumbering it in order to respect the "intact" Union budget. .. 星期二,07年3月2023 05:20:43 -0700 拉万博mantex app斐尔•赫兹伯格能源中心 596930年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/og/fuel-prices-brazil-0的评论 巴西:接下来是什么? //www.ycboda.net/c/pip/brazil-whats-next Brazil: what's next? The new government has already been operating for two months. And what is the plan for the electricity sector? I confess I didn't notice a "plan" As always, and for decades, the sector has gone "by inertia" without a robust strategy that takes advantage of the opportunities that were discovered and implemented by countries that.. 星期四,2023年3月02 05:15:45 -0700 拉万博mantex app斐尔•赫兹伯格能源中心 596223年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/pip/brazil-whats-next的评论 你怎么把这个创新的概念转变成一个业务? //www.ycboda.net/c/um/how-would-you-transform-innovative-concept-business A concept I developed (Demand Flexibility Exchange - DFE - 5-min-video at https://lnkd.in/deV7sN6R) was embraced by an organization in the State of Ohio (USA) focused on innovation in the energy field, BRITE https://brite.org/ In order to transform this concept into a business, the first step is to present it to electric power concessionaires, aiming at prospecting their.. -0700年结婚,2023年3月1日10:00:00 拉万博mantex app斐尔•赫兹伯格能源中心 595980年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/um/how-would-you-transform-innovative-concept-business的评论 燃料价格(巴西) //www.ycboda.net/c/og/fuel-prices-brazil 燃料价格(巴西)建立联邦政府的翅膀之间的讨论是否要收取燃料显示形式的脆弱性的分析和决策。Supposedly, what is at stake is maintaining the exemption in favor of the vast majority of the population or encumbering it in order to respect the "intact" Union budget. It would.. 2023年2月27日,星期一,08:18:38 -0700 拉万博mantex app斐尔•赫兹伯格能源中心 595523年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/og/fuel-prices-brazil的评论 智能能源决策(巴西) //www.ycboda.net/c/um/smart-energy-decisions-brazil 智能能源决定我读过文章,关注这个标题! They try to show that reducing consumption is a key factor in achieving sustainability. Companies and institutions can (and should) prospect an excellent list of opportunities: 1. Waste reduction - consumption control 2. Demand control - contracted demand reduction 3. Maintenance of power factor above.. 星期二,2023年2月28日05:15:51 -0700 拉万博mantex app斐尔•赫兹伯格能源中心 595445年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/um/smart-energy-decisions-brazil的评论 巴西:能源和利率 //www.ycboda.net/c/pip/brazil-energy-and-interest-rates 能源和利率给巴西喜欢的特定条件下管理其经济,(真正的)利率是地球上最高的国家之一!直接后果是,一系列的解决方案,需要在巴西投资昂贵得多,尤其是如果选择是金融。对于这个简单的和重要的原因,它使更多. . 星期五,2023年2月24日05:13:35 -0700 拉万博mantex app斐尔•赫兹伯格能源中心 595269年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/pip/brazil-energy-and-interest-rates的评论 限制:巨大的挑战 //www.ycboda.net/c/um/limits-big-challenge 限制:巨大的挑战If there is a striking feature of our way of doing things in Brazil, it is the "without ceremony" in spending freely. Being parsimonious, like the countries that have managed to become developed, achieving and maintaining a good per capita income (much higher than Brazil's) always requires a critical look at each budget item. Examples.. 星期二,2023年2月21日09:50:10 -0700 拉万博mantex app斐尔•赫兹伯格能源中心 594590年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/um/limits-big-challenge的评论 电力公司的改进 //www.ycboda.net/c/em/electric-utilities-improvement 电力公司的改进One opportunity that is "at hand" is the possibility of improving demand management. To reduce costs and offer flexibility to industrial, commercial and institutional customers who need to contract kW demand and simultaneously improve the economic and financial result of the utility. A win win!.   What is the aggregate.. 星期一,2023年2月20日09:06:11 -0700 拉万博mantex app斐尔•赫兹伯格能源中心 594340年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/em/electric-utilities-improvement的评论 创新 //www.ycboda.net/c/cc/innovation 创新闪亮是美国组织总部位于俄亥俄州的状态,为能源部门专注于创新!BRITE's mission is Unleashing the Energy Revolution. BRITE believes that empowering energy technology startups can create opportunity, good jobs and a resilient economy. I myself became a member of BRITE on account of an innovation that I created and.. -0700年结婚,2023年2月15日20:45:00 拉万博mantex app斐尔•赫兹伯格能源中心 593827年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/cc/innovation的评论 巴西:周末是什么? //www.ycboda.net/c/iu/brazil-whats-weekend Brazil: what's a weekend? A scene from the series Downton Abbey, which takes place in England at the beginning of the last century, caught my attention. A noblewoman (played by Maggie Smith), when informed that there would be a weekend meeting, asked what a weekend was! For us, mortals it is obvious that we work during the week and rest on the weekend. For the nobles.. 星期四,09年2月2023 09:11:16 -0700 拉万博mantex app斐尔•赫兹伯格能源中心 592690年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/iu/brazil-whats-weekend的评论 能量储存:下一个低挂水果吗? //www.ycboda.net/c/cp/energy-storage-next-low-hanging-fruit 能量储存:下一个低挂水果吗?能源生产的可再生能源带来了新的挑战,因为它不是公司。换句话说,太阳与风发生人类控制!Developed countries already include energy storage (for example via batteries) as a strategy to "mitigate" this situation that has changed, and quite a lot, the profile of the.. 2023年2月结婚,08年09:17:05 -0700 拉万博mantex app斐尔•赫兹伯格能源中心 592457年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/cp/energy-storage-next-low-hanging-fruit的评论 ChatGPT //www.ycboda.net/c/cc/chatgpt ChatGPT  A "new animal" with the potential to significantly change the searches we do on the internet is the ChatGPT.. I signed up for one of these pioneering sites and tested some of the searches I was really impressed with the quality of the results. We are used to traditional mechanisms that, in fact, require good evaluation work. In other words.. 太阳,05年2月2023 10:17:50 -0700 拉万博mantex app斐尔•赫兹伯格能源中心 591930年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/cc/chatgpt的评论 优先级规模 //www.ycboda.net/c/cp/priority-scale 优先级规模Energy costs can present really differentiated results for companies and institutions, assuming the existence (or not) - formally established - of a "scale of priorities". What are the important factors that should be part of the decision-making processes? * Price of energy sources an duration of the contracts * Identification and mitigation of risks.. -0700年结婚,2023年2月01 09:00:00 拉万博mantex app斐尔•赫兹伯格能源中心 591257年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/cp/priority-scale的评论 我们:打破支出上限吗? //www.ycboda.net/c/pip/us-breaking-spending-cap 我们:打破支出上限吗?Democrats and Republicans are at loggerheads (again) over authorizing the desired new ceiling  in the spending cap. There are two main scenarios. 1°) A new ceiling will be negotiated (as it always has been) that makes it possible to maintain - business as usual - regarding the annual budget and 2°) The current Government will have to "make.. 星期二,2023年1月31日09:15:45 -0700 拉万博mantex app斐尔•赫兹伯格能源中心 590997年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/pip/us-breaking-spending-cap的评论 加速可持续能源创新 //www.ycboda.net/c/ec/accelerating-sustainable-energy-innovation 来源:Unesco-harnessing-ai-innovation-to-accelerate-sustainability-for-the-planet在这个周末,我花了大量的时间阅读白皮书我收集了世界经济论坛提醒我这个难以置信的知识来源世界各地许多问题和挑战,把握风险,潜力和价值这些论文中讨论的机会。。 -0700年结婚,2023年1月25日11:30:00 (万博mantex app能源中心)保罗Hobcraft 590058年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/ec/accelerating-sustainable-energy-innovation的评论 2023年全球经济衰退? //www.ycboda.net/c/og/global -衰退- 2023 2023年全球经济衰退?绝大多数经济分析师指出,今年,世界将经历经济衰退。Differences arise in terms of it's intensity and duration. There is unanimity though that inflation, the war in Ukraine, much higher interest rates and the imbalance in public accounts that persist globally will have a far from negligible.. -0700年结婚,2023年1月25日09:30:15 拉万博mantex app斐尔•赫兹伯格能源中心 590057年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/og/global -衰退- 2023 #评论 AFUDC是一个关键的电力和公用事业行业的工程造价 //www.ycboda.net/c/pip/afudc-key-construction-cost-power-and-utilities-industry 包括AFUDC电力和公用事业建设项目和利率补贴资金用于建设(AFUDC)是电力和公用事业行业的最佳实践。Including AFUDC in construction projects follows the guidelines for electric construction accounting in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's Uniform System of Accounts (FERC USOA) and RUS Uniform.. 星期一,2023年1月23日11:17:23 -0700 岁万博mantex app(能源中心)拉斯西森 589545年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/pip/afudc-key-construction-cost-power-and-utilities-industry的评论 5关于巴西的能源问题 //www.ycboda.net/c/ec/5-questions-about-energy-brazil 5关于巴西的能源问题For companies and institutions that value planning, the theme "energy supply, demand and prices" is very important. If the scenario is one of systemic balance and prices that can be predicted with robustness, Brazil facilitates decisions around long-term investments. Or, on the other hand, a reduction in local productive activities. .. 星期五,2023年1月20日09:15:00 -0700 拉万博mantex app斐尔•赫兹伯格能源中心 589325年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/ec/5-questions-about-energy-brazil的评论 我告诉你.... //www.ycboda.net/c/um/i-told-you 我告诉你....最高素质员工的一个重要组成部分的巴西公司或机构有一个好主意的可能性和替代能源领域应该被评估,以做出正确的决定。But very few of this "platoon" expose themselves to really "enforce" their analyses. It is part of our cultural.. -0700年结婚,2023年1月18日08:59:58 拉万博mantex app斐尔•赫兹伯格能源中心 588824年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/um/i-told-you的评论 眼前的变化! //www.ycboda.net/c/og/changes-sight 眼前的变化!全球经济的场景是逐渐经历着一个重要的变化。多年来,利率是零,甚至为负值。And this feature made cheap and abundant loans possible, enabling the growth of companies and increased consumption by populations in many countries. But... economies are systematically and substantially raising.. 星期四,2023年1月12日09:08:41 -0700 拉万博mantex app斐尔•赫兹伯格能源中心 587827年//www.ycboda.net //www.ycboda.net/c/og/changes-sight的评论